Lucas Davenport Omnibus

Série • 3 livres

Featuring Minneapolis Lt. Lucas Davenport, the best-selling "Prey" novels by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, John Sandford, are raw, earthy, and impossible to put down. In Silent Prey, Bekker, an insane pathologist who experiments with his patients' pain thresholds, is finally brought down by the unrelenting Davenport, who brutally maims the doctor's beautiful face but leaves him alive.

"You should have killed me," were Bekker's parting words - perhaps he was right. All through the humiliations of the trial, the horrors of imprisonment, the daily agonies of not having the drugs that kept him humming, Bekker takes solace in the thought that one day he will make Lucas Davenport pay. Minutes before the jury's verdict, Bekker slays his prison guard and escapes into New York City.

Hiding himself in an elderly woman's home, he continues to conduct his gruesome experiments, searching the eyes of his victims for the meaning of death. Now, with Davenport back on the case, it is only a matter of time before the two men face each other in a final showdown.

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