A book in answers uniquely combines the dialectics, argumentation and beliefs of every religion. It is the UNIVERSAL KEY. It is the New Earth Bible. Here the thoughts of Eckhart Tolle are brought to an end, here Milarepa, Meister Eckhart, Spinoza and Buddha, Christ and Mohammed appear - all happily united in ALLEINS.The book of lightIt is a book of light. It is the all-embracing declaration of creation, love. The way. Here, in a wonderfully tender dissolution, the pulses of doubt pass. We know who we are. Every thought of fear, the cemented belief in transience, a god moved into the distance in a world of discord - no longer touch the one who is only trying to understand.
Die l ächelnde Ewigkeit
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bookLa creación absoluta
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bookDie zärtliche Unbedingtheit
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bookEl caminante
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bookThe hiker
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bookDie absolute Schöpfung
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bookDer Wanderer
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bookEin Buch in Antworten
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bookUn libro en respuestas
Th. Om
bookUn livre dans réponses
Th. Om
bookEl camino del tantra moderno : También para solteros
Th. Om