The impact of digital storytelling all over the world cannot be disputed. It has become the perfect bridge between both traditional and new ways of engaging the creation and transmission of stories and has been successfully implemented across social and educational contexts. This volume brings together a selection of articles that explore such implementation in various educational fields and levels from kindergarten to university, and also in programmes of continuing education throughout the world. While presenting creative experiences and contributing practical advice, the articles also share a common methodological drive: they collect and appraise objective data to show how digital storytelling practices are a strong asset to the 21st century classroom. Each article critically explores the key role played by digital storytelling activities in the development and strengthening of multimodal literacies, cognitive engagement, creativity, research and information handling, communicative skills in a foreign language, self-confidence, and collaborative learning, among others. All in all, digital storytelling projects foster the creation of peer-assisted learning communities and also becomes a valuable resource to teachers seeking to revitalize their pedagogical practice.
The Language of Competition Law : DEFCOMCOURT 3
bookTalento, sostenibilidad y emprendimiento: oportunidades y desafíos para las ciudades del futuro
bookGalicia, un golpe sin cuartel, una guerra sin trincheras : La construcción sociopolítica de la dictadura franquista (1936-1960)
bookLa reproducción de las desigualdades sociales en el sistema educativo. El mapa escolar de Valencia: Políticas de zonificación, libertad de elección y segregación escolar
bookSobre la diversidad intercultural: Bases teóricas y praxis social
bookCiudadanía, comunicación y pandemia: Respuestas digitales a la crisis de la Covid-19
bookLa menstruación: de la biología al símbolo
bookEl trienio liberal (1820-1823): Revolución, Contrarrevolución e impacto internacional
bookLa biodiversidad valenciana ante el reto del cambio global
bookReflexiones históricas y artísticas entorno a las Germanías de Valencia: II Universitat de Tardor d'Alaquàs
bookEspacios de vida. Casa, hogar y cultura material en la Europa Medieval
bookTerritorios comunes, miradas compartidas: Aproximaciones desde la geografía
Feminizing Political Discourse : British and Spanish Debates on Domestic Violence
Aurelia Carranza Márquez
bookDimensions of Humor : Explorations in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and Translation
Autores Varios
bookReflexiones sobre la traducción audiovisual : Tres espectros, tres momentos
bookNew Insights into Gendered Discursive Practices: Language, Gender and Identity Construction
bookEl espejismo del producto : Persuasión y publicidad en el sector del automóvil
Javier Ruiz Medina
bookThe Politeness/Impoliteness Divide : English-Based Theories and Speech Acts Practice in Moroccan Arabic
Saida Anssari-Naim
bookExploring evaluative, emotive and persuasive strategies in discourse
bookFocusing on Audiovisual Translation Research
bookThe Neglected Poetry
Maria Luisa González Biosca
bookEscandalizar al inocente : Violencia y sexualidad en cuentos infantiles y de hadas
Juan Calvo García de Leonardo, María Alcantud Díaz
bookConceptual Integration Theory in Idiom Modifications
Nihada Delibegović Džanić, Sanja Berberović