
Calming Nature Sounds (without music) for Deep Sleep, Meditation, Relaxation : Gentle rain, warm springs, chirping crickets, a songbird concert, the sounds of the sea, tropical storm


The sounds of the nature: A hammock for the soul. With this audiobook, experience the power of nature like on a dreamlike vacation

Nature Sounds - with over 4 hours of ambient sounds, recorded all over the world. Using state-of-the-art recording technology, with extremely high fidelity, and the best spatial atmosphere. Gentle to powerful sounds (without music), perfect for use in wellness and meditation, for radio/film/television, or soft background noise.


• Peaceful songbird concert,

• Gentle summer rain,

• Warm healing springs on Iceland,

• Calming crickets chirping in Tuscany,

• Smoothly purring cat in a barn,

• Tropical storm in Australia,

• Gentle ocean waves.

Listening to this recording instantly ensures considerable inner peace and can also have a very helpful effect on tinnitus. The feeling of endlessness and the power of nature have always fascinated mankind. Immerse yourself in a world of limitless relaxation.

Narrator: Ian Brannan


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