The long and complex history of reception and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament through the ages, described in the HBOT Project, focuses in this concluding volume III, Part 2 on the multifarious research and the different methods used in the last century. Even this volume is written by Christian and Jewish scholars and takes its wider cultural and philosophical context into consideration. The perspective is worldwide and ecumenical. Its references to modern biblical scholarship, on which it is based, are extensive and updated.The indexes (names, topics, references to biblical sources and a broad body of literature beyond) are the key to the wealth of information provided.Contributors are J. Barton, H.L. Bosman, A.F. Campbell, SJ, D.M. Carr, D.J.A. Clines, W. Dietrich, St.E. Fassberg, D. Føllesdal, A.C. Hagedorn, K.M. Heim, J. Høgenhaven, B. Janowski, D.A. Knight, C. Körting, A. Laato, P. Machinist, M.A.O´Brien, M. Oeming, D. Olson, E. Otto, M. Sæbø, J. Schaper, S. Sekine, J.L. Ska, SJ, M.A. Sweeney, and J. de Waard.
Hebrew Bible / Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation : II: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
bookHebrew Bible / Old Testament. III: From Modernism to Post-Modernism. Part I: The Nineteenth Century - a Century of Modernism and Historicism
bookHebrew Bible / Old Testament. I: From the Beginnings to the Middle Ages (Until 1300). Part 1: Antiquity : Part 1: Antiquity
Magne Sæbø, Chris Brekelmans, Menahem Haran