
Leonardo Da Vinci - Summarized for Busy People


This book summary and

analysis was created for individuals who want to extract the essential contents

and are too busy to go through the full version. This book is not intended to

replace the original book. Instead, we highly encourage you to buy the full


Based on countless pages of

Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks as well as discoveries about his life and work,

Walter Isaacson creates a chronological account connecting Leonardo’s art and

science to the inner workings of his mind. He narrates Leonardo’s genius which

had blurred the lines between talent and constant self-improvements like his

relentless curiosity, careful observation, and limitless imagination.

Leonardo created the two most

famous paintings, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa; but the book allows a peek

into his own mind showing that he was also a man in pursuit of knowledge. With

interests that sometimes become obsessive, he pursued an understanding of

anatomy, hydraulics, flight, optics, geology, and weapon design. His weaving

through different disciplines had drawn him to the creation of the Vitruvian

man which had made him history’s greatest creative genius.

His creativity stemmed from an

interest in various disciplines which had led him to extensively drawing

accurate representations of the human body to the painting of history’s most

enigmatic smile. He explored optics, upon light reflecting the eyes which had

provided the changing perspectives in The Last Supper. Isaacson accounts

Leonardo’s love for pageantry which had informed his paintings and inventions.

Leonardo’s love for creating

bridges between various disciplines had become the greatest recipe for

creativity. This included his life being a misfit: illegitimate, gay,

vegetarian, left-handed, restless, and sometimes heretical. His life reminds us

of the importance of questioning what we know now and letting our imagination,

like talented misfits, create different outcomes.


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