
Medicine Buddha/Medicine Mind : An Easy-to-Understand Exploration of the Healing Power of Your Mind


Have you tried Mindfulness but find your brain does not stop? Do you daydream with vivid colors and images? When you read are you taken away to the world the author creates?

You are ready to explore Visualization Meditation. Visualization meditation provides the same benefits as Mindfulness but provides a more natural way for you to work with your brain's ability to daydream, read and create vivid images. Through including easy to understand neuroscience Medicine Buddha Medicine Mind’s easy-to-read self-help explains measurable quantifiable changes Visualization Meditation practice brings to your brain.

At 20 years old, Charlene Jones sat with a small cohort of seekers in a Tibetan temple in Dehra Dun India, while His Holiness Sakya Trizen translated from ancient texts the secrets of Visualization Meditation. After profound healing enabled her to build a vibrant life of love and peace from severe abuse, Ms. Jones turned her interest in Visualization Meditation into a tool for others.

You will learn

¡ how physical and emotional pain can be reduced or erased leaving you free to enjoy life

¡ how to clear your mind

¡ how Visualization provides a powerful key to increased quality of life

Find out today how Neuroscience supports the practice of Visualization Meditation. If you liked the Dalai Lama’s book The Art of Happiness, you’ll love Medicine Buddha Medicine Mind. Begin meditating with both sides of your brain. Buy Medicine Buddha Medicine Mind today