This book deals with corruption and bureaucratisation in Bavaria and Prussia around 1800. The author argues that a new notion of corruption appeared in the late 18th century and became the main interpretive frame by 1800. The latter was carried especially by a younger generation of royal servants and targeted the old administrative structure, particularly patronage and both sale and inheritance of offices. In his book, he furthermore shows that the new notion of corruption was closely interrelated with the state reforms in both monarchies around 1800: The reformers used corruption charges to delegitimise the old administrative structures and, thus, cleared the way for the implementation of the new bureaucratic system. The old (corrupt) practices nevertheless did not disappear completely. It was especially patronage that survived in a different shape: Academic networks and other social innovations gained in importance, whilst kinship and origin lost their prominence for an administrative career.
Confessio im Konflikt : Religiöse Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung in der Frühen Neuzeit. Ein Studienbuch
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Michael Vössing
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