
My Life as an Indian : The Story of a Red Woman and a White Man in the Lodges of the Blackfeet


"My Life as an Indian" is the memoir of James Willard Schultz. The book tells the story of his first year living with the Pikuni tribe of Blackfeet Indians east of Glacier.


Fort Benton

The Ruse of a Savage Lover

The Tragedy of the Marias

A War Trip for Horses

Days With the Game

The Story of the Crow Woman

A White Buffalo

A Winter on the Marias

I Have a Lodge of My Own

The Killing of a Bear

The Kutenai's Story

The Great Race

The Snake Woman

The Snake Woman's Quest

I Return to My People

The Story of Rising Wolf

A Friendly Visit From the Crows

A Raid by the Crows

Nat-Ah'-Ki's Wedding

The Attack on the Hunters

Never-laughs Goes East

The War Trip of Queer Person

The Piegans Move in

A Wolverine's Medicine

Little Deer's End

The Ways of the Northland

The Story of Ancient Sleeper

Diana's Marriage

A Game of Fate

Trade, Hunt, and War Party

Nat-Ah'-Ki's Ride

Curbing the Wanderers

Crees and Red Rivers

The Last Op the Buffalo

The "Winter of Death"

The "Black Robe's" Help

Later Years