Operating a ham radio Is fun and most people's interest in amateur radios are driven by the fun aspect of it. Asides the excitement, Amateur radio could be very helpful in emergency situations especially when other services are unavailable. A typical example of an emergency case is the 1992 Hurricane Andrew that hit South Florida. It destroyed the common means of communication, its antennas, utility grid, and its cellular networks were all destroyed leaving victims almost helpless. At that time, amateur radio was the only source of communication and some payphones that were connected with underground lines. They are also used for many other community services Radio Amateurs around the world provide a valuable community service. This bundle will teach you how to operate one, learn about tuning to the right frequency, when to tune and making consistent contacts and much, much more. This two in-one bundle series includes the following audiobooks: 1. Ham Radio: The General License Guide To Understand Equipment And Become A Radio Amateur The Fast And Easy Way 2. Stand Up Comedy: The Ultimate Guide to Become a Successful Stand-Up Comedian and Learn The Art of Standup Comedy Get your copy Performing Arts Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Performing Arts Bundle : 2 in 1 Bundle