
Predator - The Unofficial Guide to the Movie Franchise


Predator is a product of the last great era of Hollywood action films - the eighties. A decade of bone crunching blood splattered foul mouthed blockbuster epics (Robocop, The Terminator, Die Hard, Commando) that wouldn't know what a PG-13 rating was if it skewered them with a spear and ripped their spinal column out to keep as a trophy (as the Predator is apt to do on occasion).

In this book we'll take a deep dive into the original Predator and all the sequels it spawned. We'll discuss all of these films in this book and we shall also - of course - discuss the two AvP pictures too. We'll look at the background of each film, the development of them, and discuss worked and what didn't in the actual movie.