
Raising An Independent Child


Raising An Independent Child: The Essential Guide on How to Properly Train and Raise Your Kids to Be Smart and Independent

If you’re considering letting your child become a latchkey kid, then you need to find out what the law is in your state, city, and county. For the most part, allowing a child to stay home before the age of 8 is not recommended or even legal today. It was done in the past with great regularity but now the laws have changed the rules for parents.

Most professionals agree that children between ages 8 and 10 shouldn’t be home alone for more than a couple of hours. Ages 11 to 12 can be home longer but should not be left alone late at night. Kids 13 to 15 can be alone at night, but not all night long. Between 16 and 17 years of age, being left overnight for a couple of nights is okay. But, keep in mind that your decisions should be made based on the law in your area and the maturity of your child.

In this audiobook, you will learn The Essential Guide on How to Properly Train and Raise Your Kids to Be Smart and Independent. So what are you waiting for, download a copy of Raising An Independent Child today!

Narrator: Aadam Smyth
