Smart Land Use explores how cities can house more people, foster vibrant economies, and maintain environmental sustainability through smart land use and urban planning strategies. It examines the shift from segregated zoning practices to modern approaches emphasizing density and mixed-use zoning. This allows for the integration of residential, commercial, and industrial activities, reducing reliance on automobiles and promoting walkability. The book argues that strategically implemented mixed-use zoning, supported by thoughtful urban planning, can reduce environmental impact and improve the quality of life.
The book systematically introduces mixed-use zoning, transit-oriented development, and complete streets, illustrating each with best-practice examples. From there, it moves into the practical aspects of implementation, such as integrating mixed-use principles into new construction projects and retrofitting existing neighborhoods. What sets this book apart is its balanced approach, acknowledging the complexities of land-use planning and the importance of community involvement. It also incorporates data and analysis from diverse fields like environmental science, political science, and economics for a holistic perspective.