1. Summary Bundle: History & Self Help: Includes Summary of Unbroken & Summary of Unfu*k Yourself

    Abbey Beathan

  2. Summary Bundle: Spiritual & Minimalism: Includes Summary of God & Summary of Goodbye, Things

    Abbey Beathan

  3. Summary Bundle: Success & Life: Includes Summary of Barking Up the Wrong Tree & Summary of Becoming Supernatural

    Abbey Beathan

  4. Summary Bundle: Diet & Communications: Includes Summary of Cravings & Summary of Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

    Abbey Beathan

  5. Summary Bundle: Leadership & Religion: Includes Summary of The Coaching Habit & Summary of The Color of Law

    Abbey Beathan

  6. Summary Bundle: Love & Novel: Includes Summary of The 5 Love Languages & Summary of The Alchemist

    Abbey Beathan

  7. Summary Bundle: Memoir & Science: Includes Summary of Collusion & Summary of Cosmos

    Abbey Beathan

  8. Summary Bundle: Love & Happiness: Includes Summary of Uninvited & Summary of We're Going to Need More Wine

    Abbey Beathan

  9. Summary Bundle: Diet & Pregnancy: Includes Summary of In Defense of Food & Summary of Ina May's Guide to Childbirth

    Abbey Beathan

  10. Summary Bundle: Memoir & Love: Includes Summary of American Pravda & Summary of Attached

    Abbey Beathan

  11. Summary Bundle: Life & Biography: Includes Summary of Get Your Sh*t Together & Summary of Ghost Soldiers

    Abbey Beathan

  12. Summary Bundle: Business & Life: Includes Summary of The $100 Startup & Summary of The 33 Strategies of War

    Abbey Beathan


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