Friedrich Nietzsche's "The Antichrist" might be more aptly named "The Antichristian," for it is an unmitigated attack on Christianity that Nietzsche makes within the text instead of an exposition on evil or Satan as the title might suggest. In "The Antichrist," Nietzsche presents a highly controversial view of Christianity as a damaging influence upon western civilization that must come to an end. Regardless of ones religious or philosophical point of view, "The Antichrist" makes for an engaging philosophical discourse.
Liebe Liebe, ... : Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Liebe
Khalil Gibran, Erich Kästner, Eva Illouz, Virginia Woolf, Adele Schopenhauer, Clara Wieck, Else Lasker-Schüler, Erich Fromm, Franz Grillparzer, Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, Friedrich Schiller, G.W.F. Hegel, Gabriele Reuter, Helene Stöcker, Hermann Jaitner, James Krüss, Kathinka Zitz, Mascha Kaléko, Nikolai Gogol, Novalis, Paula Becker, Platon, Rainer Maria Rilke, Ricarda Huch, Sigmund Freud, Ute Richter, Elke Heinrich, Martin Luther, G. Science
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