The Mind Illuminated is a comprehensive, accessible and - above all - effective book on meditation, providing a nuts-and-bolts stage-based system that helps all levels of meditators establish and deepen their practice. Providing step-by-step guidance for every stage of the meditation path, this uniquely comprehensive guide for a Western audience combines the wisdom from the teachings of the Buddha with the latest research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Clear and friendly, this in-depth practice manual builds on the nine-stage model of meditation originally articulated by the ancient Indian sage Asanga, crystallising the entire meditative journey into 10 clearly-defined stages. This manual is an essential listen for beginners and seasoned veterans of meditation alike.
The Mind Illuminated : A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science for Greater Mindfulness
- 1 book
John Yates
John Yates, PhD (Culadasa) was a meditation master for more than four decades in the Tibetan and Theravadin Buddhist traditions. A former professor, he taught physiology and neuroscience for many years, and later worked in the field of complementary and alternative medicine. He was the author of A Physician’s Guide to Therapeutic Massage, currently in its third edition. He passed away in 2021.
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Matthew Immergut
Matthew Immergut, PhD is an associate professor of sociology. He is a longtime meditator and a dedicated student of Culadasa. He lives in Woodstock, NY.
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