Ten-year-old Annie Warren hasn’t made it home from school and with every passing hour, hopes of finding her alive are fading fast.
Her parents, Cathy and Kit, are frantic with worry, fearing the worst.
Could their daughter, the miracle child who came as a surprise to them both, have been abducted?
The police are coordinating a massive search but seem totally clueless, while the Warrens’ home is under siege from a news-hungry press pack crawling over themselves to cover the story.
Among them is Yannick Kellor, an ambitious TV news reporter who’s spotted an opportunity to make his name with a career-changing scoop.
He has a unique reason for wanting to solve the mystery and to find Annie alive.
But as he peels back the layers of deception and deceit Cathy and Kit have carefully crafted, he begins to suspect the truth of what’s happened to her might lie much closer to home…