Sometimes, I heard the doctor venture, "I think it is aconite, but the symptoms are not quite the same. Besides, I don't see how it could have been administered. There's no mark on him that might have come from a hypodermic, no wound, not even a scratch. He couldn't have swallowed it. Suicide is out of the question. But his nose and throat are terribly swollen and inflamed. It's beyond me."
The Soul Scar: Detective Craig Kennedy's Case
Arthur Reeve
bookConstance Dunlap
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Gold of the Gods
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Craig Kennedy Collection
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Poisoned Pen
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Film Mystery
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Dream Doctor
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Ear in the Wall
Arthur Reeve
bookDetective Stories
Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Reeve, Edgar Allan Poe, Anton Chekov, Wilkie Collins, Thomas Hanshew
bookThe Silent Bullet
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Film Mystery
Arthur Reeve