
The Wisdom of the East: Buddhist Scriptures


This book is a short collection of excerpts from Buddhist scripture, selected by an expert in the field. It includes several stories drawn from the Buddhas' life, including past lives from the Jataka.


The Dream of Queen Māyā

The Birth of Gotama

The Four Signs

The Great Renunciation

The Chain of Causation

The Beginning of Buddha's Preaching

The Ordination of Yasa

The Ten Commandments

The Fire Discourse

The Weaver's Daughter

The Questions of Mālunkyāputta

The Questions of Uttiya

The Questions of Vacchagotta

Birth-Story of the Blessings of the Commandments

Birth-Story of King Mahāsīlava

Birth-Story of the City with Four Gates

The Pig-Faced Ghost

The Jewel Discourse. A Spell

Dhaniya The Herdsman

Buddha's Visit To Chunda

The Death of Buddha

The Non-Existence of Individuality

Non-Individuality and Moral Responsibility