Think and Grow Rich is a motivational personal development and selfhelp book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion from ScottishAmerican businessman Andrew Carnegie. While the title implies that this book deals only with how to achieve monetary wealth, the author explains that the philosophy taught in the book can be used to help individuals do or be almost anything they want in this world. For instance, Jim Murray (sportswriter) wrote that Think and Grow Rich was credited for Ken Norton's boxing upset of Muhammad Ali in 1973. The book was first published in 1937 during the Great Depression. At the time of Hill's death in 1970, Think and Grow Rich had sold 20 million copies. It remains the biggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books a perennial bestseller after 70 years (BusinessWeek Magazine's BestSeller List ranked Think and Grow Rich as the sixth bestselling paperback business book 70 years after it was first published). Think and Grow Rich is listed in John C. Maxwell's A Lifetime Must Read Books List.
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