Media-produced images of people on the move and religion influence our conceptions of migration. These images have varied content and intent. Some provide awareness of the frequently disturbing situation of people who have lost everything, who have had to leave their homes and families and are desperately searching for new possibilities. Others exploit the traumatic topic and the fate of its subjects to entertain their audience with sensational news, which may include images of vast streams of people making their way to a safe haven in new countries. The mediatization of the phenomenon of flight introduces new pictures and perceptions into current debates about migration. It also requires that we interrogate how we view and engage such images and audiovisual documents. Ethical debates about responsibilities combine with questions about the role of religion and its functions. The present volume approaches the subject of migration and religion from an interdisciplinary perspective with a focus on audiovisual representation. The contributions consider feature films, documentaries, television reports, short films, and press photos.
Leid-Bilder : Die Passionsgeschichte in der Kultur
bookMenschenbilder in István Szabós Filmwerk : Religiöse Motive und anthropologische Deutungen
Ingrid Glatz
bookKirche, Kult und Krise : Christentum im neueren Film
bookWarum ich? : Hiob-Motive im Spielfilm
Jörg Herrmann
bookAbschiede und Aufbrüche : Das Alter im Film