Truly Deadly

Outnumbered. Outsmarted. Outgunned. Now we're chief suspects in a terror attack we prevented. Well, you wonā€™t believe what's coming next. Thereā€™ll be two weeks of hellish spy and assassin training. A heartbreaking memory of Philippeā€™s. Plus an undercover mission in the world of the rich and super-dangerous. And let's not forget our evil assassin friends at JPAC. Turns out they've got this super-weapon that could mean the end of the world. And thereā€™s something terrifying lurching around the next corner. All I can say is, run. And if you dareā€¦ jump. Youā€™ll love Lornaā€™s latest adventure because itā€™s packed with more adventure and humour than ever before. Get World Will Fall now. Recommended for age 16+. Not for the faint-hearted. *** Be sure to listen to books 1 & 2 first ***