It is a magical moment when horse and owner really understand each other for the first time. Positive horse training using clicker and target combines the benefits of a communicative relationship with an effective training method. It is the horse-friendly alternative to the very common coercive methods where dominance and submission prevail. In this book, behavioral biologist Marlitt Wendt explains the mechanisms of reward learning in a practical way, based on the findings of modern equine learning psychology.
Was fühlt das Reitpferd? : Signale richtig deuten - Partnerschaft verbessern
Marlitt Wendt
bookMit dem Click zum Katzenglück : Katzen kreativ beschäftigen und erziehen
Marlitt Wendt
bookTypisch Kater : Star auf Samtpfoten
Marlitt Wendt
bookDie Intelligenz der Pferde : Ein kluger Kopf unter jedem Schopf
Marlitt Wendt
bookKätzchen mit Köpfchen : Die faszinierende Intelligenz unserer Stubentiger
Marlitt Wendt
bookZurück in den Sattel : Endlich wieder reiten
Marlitt Wendt
bookIm Dialog mit dem Pferd : Belohnungslernen - der Schlüssel zu Motivation und Vertrauen
Marlitt Wendt
bookTrust Instead of Dominance : Working towards a new form of ethical horsemanship
Marlitt Wendt
bookHow Horses Feel and Think : Understanding behaviour, emotions and intelligence
Marlitt Wendt
bookWie Katzen ticken : Gefühle und Gedanken unserer Stubentiger
Marlitt Wendt
bookWie Pferde fühlen und denken : Verhalten, Emotionen, Intelligenz
Marlitt Wendt
Riding without a bit : The gentle art of sensitive riding
Josepha Guillaume
bookThe Art of Riding : Classical Dressage to High School – Odin at Saumur
Philippe Karl
bookLong Reining : From The Beginning Through The Levade
Dr. Thomas Ritter
bookIt's Showtime (ENGLISH) : Circus tricks: Learning fun for horses and rider
Sylvia Czarnecki
bookLungeing : Safe and Proficient
Angelika Schmelzer
bookThe Correct Seat : Tips for riders on how to achieve better balance
Ina G. Sommermeier
bookThe Structured Schooling of Horses : Foundations of success
Anne-Katrin Hagen
bookRider's Aids : How to get it right
Anne-Katrin Hagen
bookFrom Flatwork to Jumping : Schooling over poles
Anne-Katrin Hagen
bookFirst Steps in Dressage : Basic training for horse and rider
Anne-Katrin Hagen
bookThe Riding Aids : Basic terms of harmonious communication between horse and rider
Clarissa L. Busch
bookCaring for the Older Horse : How to keep your veteran fit and healthy
Claudia Jung