
Accepting Life on Life’s Terms


What can you do when your life is falling apart around you? Is it really true that you can "be happy no matter how bad things are"as the majority of pop self-help books and many therapists tell us? The reality is that life can be challenging. During rough circumstances, we can't always just think happy thoughts and then expect that life will be easier. However, there is something we can do! We can learn from the philosophy and psychology that Taoism offers! The author presents this ancient wisdom in a way that will help us get through the hard times, while being more fully present in life's joyful moments.

This book incorporates teachings that the author has used to help countless clients get through incredibly difficult times. Chris draws from his wisdom gleaned from being a contextual psychologist,Taoist philosopher, Aiki-Judo Sensei, life coach, personal trainer, his current work in law enforcement, as well as from his own personal life experiences.

Accepting Life On Life's Terms offers ancient wisdom for today's troubling times! In addition to the above roles, Chris has also been a podcast host for "Cup of Tao". Chris L McClish is a man with “many roles, many journeys, and one spirit!” In this book, you will obtain much of the same information that he has presented to his clients and to other healthcare professionals!