
Answered Prayer for Victory Over Dementia and its Causative Demon



This is the prayer that has healed many people of dementia in numerous documented cases across the world. If you or a loved one is suffering from dementia, or has been recently diagnosed of dementia or perhaps you are suspecting early signs of dementia, you need to begin praying this prayer now. It doesn't matter how bad the dementia is. This prayer has healed people with both early stage and advance stage dementia. How is this possible? With God all things are possible! Note: not one thing, or some things, or a few things, or many things, or most things, but ALL things! With God ALL things are possible, including healing you or your loved one of dementia, or any other diseases for that matter. In the spiritual realm, all diseases, illnesses, misfortunes, etc, are caused by specific demonic powers. In this prayer, the demon responsible for inflicting people with dementia is named and cursed out of the afflicted body in the name and by the power of Jehovah, the Most High God. When you pray this prayer persistently and in faith, the Grace of the Most High God will fill your body with His power and love and you will certainly receive your miraculous healing. You need to begin praying this prayer now. As you pray this prayer, may the Almighty God heal you or your loved one and may you remain in good health from now on, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen