
Be your own president


Do not increase your income, how much you work? Have you studied at the fine University but you do not find your perfect job or you do not get high incomes in that job? Do you enter new businesses like internet-businesses, but you have not gotten great results?

It does not matter whether you are a man or a woman, old or young, you have a high school or college degree, no matter which city or country you live in, and even if it does not matter who is the king or the president or the minister but the only and only factor is your beliefs about riches and wealthy people that determined how much wealth come into your life.

Beliefs are your dominant thoughts on every subject that has been repeated over and over since childhood and were located in your unconscious mind. And as long as you do not correct your beliefs about wealth, you will not become wealthy with more physical effort.

For example, if you know the rich as bad people, how do you want to change to someone that you do not like it?

In order to bring wealth, blessing, health, financial independence, and excellent relationships into your life, you must correct your beliefs about them, and this is the most important law of the universe.

And now, after a long effort, I clearly and simply expressed the most important laws of the universe, described the anti-wealth beliefs, and explained the ways of changing beliefs and attaining desires by very powerful exercises in the book of "Be your own president".

The content and laws in this book are not written in any book or don't made in any film, and these are the result of my research and my training on the laws of the universe and seeing the consistent and excellent results of the thousands of people who use these consistent universal laws in many years.

If you do not consciously use these rules in your favor, you will use it unconsciously against yourself. some people do not like to know This laws and use all people about it, so they can maintain their power.

Do you know how movies and news work with your mind so you do not get rich? For example, have you ever seen a movie that rich people are good people? And doesn't this make you unconsciously do not like the rich people? So, how do you want to become someone you do not like their?

Think a little ...

Do you know it is easy to get rich in the world because there is infinite wealth and blessing in the world? But some people advertise the lack of everything because they do not want you to know about it to keep you in poverty. You are created free and these rules were been available to you from birth and now it is available to you by using them to get whatever you want.