Thorne Smith's 'Did She Fall?' is a delightful romp through comedic misadventures and fantastical escapades. Set in the 1920s, this novel follows the hilarious exploits of a bungling amateur detective who finds himself embroiled in a series of absurd situations after attempting to solve a seemingly simple case of a missing woman. Smith's witty and irreverent writing style, combined with clever wordplay and humorous dialogue, makes for a truly entertaining read that will leave readers in stitches. This book is a prime example of Smith's unique ability to blend elements of comedy, mystery, and fantasy into a seamless and engaging narrative. With its unconventional plot twists and eccentric characters, 'Did She Fall?' stands out as a true gem in the realm of comedic literature. Thorne Smith's keen wit and playful imagination shine through in this whimsical and entertaining novel, making it a must-read for fans of humorous fiction and lighthearted storytelling.
Die Götter der Fantasy: 1500 Seiten im Bundle
Alfred Bekker, Chris Heller, John Devlin, Sercombe Griffin, J. Allan Dunn, Edgar Jepson, Sidney Gowing, Charles Gilson, Thorne Smith
bookDas Nachtleben der Götter: Fantasy Roman
Thorne Smith
bookDid She Fall?
Thorne Smith
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bookThe Night Life of the Gods
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