In the ancient city of Pompeii, Cicero Caudinus investigates the murder of playwright Blasius Pachomius, whose death threatens to disrupt the city's uneasy peace. With tensions high from recent earthquakes and public unrest, Cicero, along with Aedile Graccus Triarius, delves into the tangled web of actors and hidden motives. As they interrogate the suspects, including a blind soothsayer and an ambitious actress, Cicero begins to unravel a plot fueled by rage and betrayal.
Black Cat Weekly #135
John M. Floyd, Mark Thielman, Phyllis Ann Karr, Hal Charles, Wallace West, G.K. Chesterton, Sapper, Albert Teichner, George R. Hahn, John Hollis Mason
bookBlack Cat Weekly #149
Mark Thielman, Eve Fisher, Joslyn Chase, Edmund Glasby, Hal Charles, Allen Kim Lang, Randall Garrett, Manly Wade Wellman, Nelson S. Bond, Isabel Ostrander
bookDramatis Personae
Mark Thielman
bookLicense to Kill
Mark Thielman
bookThe Road Trip
Mark Thielman
bookBlack Cat Weekly #117
Anna Tambour, Francis Jarman, Elizabeth Elwood, Mark Thielman, Hal Charles, Tom Purdom, Stephen Wasylyk, Jack Ritchie, Algis Budrys, A. Earley
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Norman Spinrad, Phyllis Ann Karr, Adrian Cole, N.M. Cedeño, Mark Thielman, John Gregory Betancourt, Hal Charles, J.S. Fletcher, Lester del Rey, Charles V. De Vet
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Mindy Quigley, Mark Thielman, Norman Spinrad, John Gregory Betancourt, Hal Charles, Robert E. Howard, Stephen Marlowe, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Robert Abernathy, Louis Charbonneau
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Walter Jon Williams, Anna Tambour, N.M. Cedeño, Mark Thielman, Fritz Leiber, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Hal Charles, George O. Smith, Roy Rockwood, Day Keene
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Mark Thielman, J.M. Taylor, Hal Charles, Frank Kane, Arthur Conan Doyle, Malcolm Jameson, Murray Leinster, Edmond Hamilton, Manly Wade Wellman, Henry Kuttner
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Mark Thielman, Dee Long, Chris Willrich, Hal Charles, Damon Knight, Frederik Pohl, Jerry Shelton, Nicholas Carter, Harold Bindloss, Crittenden Marriott
bookFuture Tense
Mark Thielman