
Find Out Who's Normal and Who's Not


Do You Have to Worry About Your Co-worker, Nanny, Neighbor, or Date?

If you're concerned about a new relationship, or even an old one, you will no longer need to rely on instincts, hunches, or horoscopes.

Even when interaction is limited to mere observation or a brief exchange whether you're at a bar, restaurant, park, or even in an elevator you can discover how to assess the general emotional stability of a person in just minutes.

The legendary leader in human behavior, Dr. David J. Lieberman, shows you how to protect yourself and your loved ones, emotionally, financially, and physically from unstable individuals who will inevitably pass through your life.

He has personally trained the military, FBI, and mental health professionals around the world on how to eliminate the guess-work and learn in person, online, or even over the phone virtually fool-proof tactics to find out if a person is normal, neurotic, or something far more dangerous.

If you've ever wondered . . .
