How Children Succeed: The Essential Guide to Cultivating Childhood Confidence, Learn Valuable Information and Expert Advice on How to Build Your Child's Confidence There is no question that all parents want their child to succeed in life. And confidence plays a big role in a child's future happiness, health and success. The reason is confident children are better able to handle any problems that come his way, may it be peer pressure, problems with school or maybe problems with their friends. It is important to build a child's confidence from an early age. Confident children don't just feel good about themselves but it helps them prepare for the future as well. This is especially crucial nowadays that teen suicide rates os soaring and we often hear stories of kids getting bullied. It's important that we bolster our child's self-esteem so they will be able to handle the obstacles they encounter better. This audiobook will provide you with all the helpful information you need to be able to build your child's self-confidence. You will learn different ways and techniques so that you can face your own battles of trying to make sure that your kids will grow up happy and confident. In this audiobook, you will discover the following topics: - Confidence Basics - Let Your Child Know You Believe In Them - Acknowledge Achievements and Fears - Teach Them To Learn From Errors - Learn to Accept Who Your Child Is - Take An Interest In Your Child's Life and Provide Opportunities for Positive Growth - Why It Is Important to Provide Responsibilities - The Disadvantages of Poor Self-Confidence It can't be helped that sometimes, your child will have days where he or she is feeling down and has low levels of self-esteem. It is your job as a parent to ensure that your child will be able to bounce back from this by encouraging and loving them and always being there for them.
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