
Ketogenic Diet for Seniors: Sleep Better. Improve Your Mood. Look Better. Improve Your Skin. Lose Weight. Boost your Brain. Supercharge Your Memory and Live Longer


If you want to get back your memory, improve your mood and lead a happier and healthier life, this book is for you. You are considering listening to this book because you are concerned; concerned about your general health and well-being, or concerned over specific things, such as your weight, or your brain health, which go together, hand in hand.

I am of an age with you. You and I have experienced similar things in life over many decades; and I do know what worries you about your health; exactly the same things which used to worry me.

The subtitle of this book mentions several areas which frustrate and concern seniors, some of which, you and I have under control, but most of which, we do not. I go through them one by one, and I believe when you have persisted to the end, you will be thrilled with what you have heard.