
Old Friends at Cambridge and Elsewhere


John Willis Clark's 'Old Friends at Cambridge and Elsewhere' is a fascinating collection of personal anecdotes and historical tales set within the backdrop of the prestigious Cambridge University. With a nostalgic and intimate writing style, Clark transports readers back in time, providing a glimpse into the lives of notable figures who once graced the halls of Cambridge, as well as other acquaintances he encountered throughout his life. The book offers a unique combination of memoir, biography, and historical account, making it a valuable resource for both scholars and casual readers interested in the intellectual and social milieu of 19th-century England. Clark's keen observations and engaging storytelling bring to life a bygone era, capturing the essence of a place and time long gone but not forgotten. As a prolific historian and former Cambridge librarian, Clark's personal connections and wealth of knowledge shine through in this captivating volume. 'Old Friends at Cambridge and Elsewhere' is a must-read for anyone intrigued by the intersection of history, academia, and personal relationships in a university setting.