
Reawakening To Life's Great Adventure


From the dark terror of his own breakdown, Kirk Schneider has come to live in a state of awe. He explored the roots of his nightmares and anxiety, and the habits that kept him depressed and disengaged, and found that life is something to marvel at. Now he shares the long, winding road he traveled from there to here, and offers guideposts each of us can use to find our own way. Join him as he explains the reasons we spend so much of our lives disengaged from our sense of wonder, and the many tools and teachers that surround us, ready to help us regain it. The rewards, he assures us, are many. “Awe is a vital way of experiencing life,” he says. “It has the capacity to lift one out of one’s narrow identifications. We so often get stuck in certain fears or judgments. And awe is able to acknowledge that we’re creatures, we’re anxious, we’re fragile somewhat. But at the same time it points us to the more - the more of who we are and the more of what we’re participating in.” Inspired by the wisdom of Dr. Schneider, you’ll find a renewed capacity to occupy parts of your being that you may not have considered before - your most vital, essential self. (hosted by Michael Toms)