A kite needs a string in order to fly through the sky. In a similar way, the Shiva Sutras offers threads to uplift our mind and let it soar to new heights. The Shiva Sutras describes the goal of life as: life radiating the light of inner joy. The Magic of the Shiva sutras is that each sutra is complete, offering us a way to go deeper into our own nature, which is joy. Step by step, with inimitable humor and wisdom, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar takes examples from everyday life to guide readers on this journey of innocence and love
Through The Eyes Of The Master
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookIndia in Action
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookContradictions In Bhagavad Gita
Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookPunarnava - New Again
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookSri Sri As I Know Him
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookAyurveda and Breath
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookThe Yogasara Upanishad
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookKena Upaniṣad
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookThe Space Within
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookLiving The Mystery of Life
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookShiva The Enternal Joy
Sri Sri Ravishankar