Detektivparret Tommy og Tuppence har indstillet deres karriere og trukket sig tilbage til en stille engelsk landsby for at nyde deres otium. De finder imidlertid hurtigt ud af, at det forfaldne hus gemmer på dystre hemmeligheder. I en gammel, støvet bog finder de en kryptisk besked om Mary Jordans unaturlige død – men hvem var denne Mary Jordan? Parrets nysgerrighed er vakt, og de giver sig til at løse deres sidste mysterium.
And then there were none : Level 4 – upper- intermediate (B2)
Agatha Christie
audiobookThe Case of the Missing Will
Agatha Christie
audiobookThe Mysterious Affair at Styles
Agatha Christie
audiobookbookAppointment With Death : B2+
Agatha Christie
audiobookThe Murder at the Vicarage : B2+
Agatha Christie
audiobookThey Do It With Mirrors : B2+
Agatha Christie
audiobookThe Body in the Library : B1
Agatha Christie
audiobookWitness for the Prosecution and other stories : B1
Agatha Christie
audiobookCat Among the Pigeons : B2+
Agatha Christie
audiobookMurder on the Orient Express : B1
Agatha Christie
audiobookA Pocket Full of Rye : B2
Agatha Christie
audiobookThe Murder of Roger Ackroyd : Level 5, B2+
Agatha Christie