"Clearly written, rich in detail, and full of helpful advice, this book will be beneficial to anyone with ADHD and to those who struggle to live with, understand, and help them." Russell A. Barkley, author, Taking Charge of ADHD and Taking Charge of Adult ADHD "This book, reflecting Dr. Browns 35 years of clinical practice combined with the latest findings from affective neuroscience, is a must-read for anyone who is interested in ADHD." James J. Gross, Ph.D., professor of psychology, Stanford University; editor, Handbook of Emotion Regulation Smart But Stuck offers a series of true stories about intelligent, capable teens and adults who have gotten "stuck" at school, work, and/or in social relationships because of their ADHD. These moving and sometimes surprising case histories illustrate the many facets of the disorder and detail the range of strategies and treatments those with ADHD can use to get "unstuck" and move on productively with their lives. Dr.
Smart But Stuck