
The art of flying


’’The Art of Flying - According to Quixote’’ is a completely unscientific piece of work by a high school dropout who has spent the majority of his almost 60 years constructing automobile testing facilities, fishing for salmon and singing rock & roll.

But these are the very activities that - in combination with snow shovelling, Christmas brew, tzatziki and selected compositions by Frank Zappa - constitute the foundation for the breaking news that our brain, since ancient times, is controlled by a global conspiracy that prevent us from:


This book by Jörgen Stenberg has stirred the brains among those given the advance review copies while causing a couple of rather serious out brakes of confusion in people who consider themselves to be doing well.

-”Reading it the second time around is the worst...’’, says the author who is originally from SlagnĂ€s in Lapland but for the last couple of years residing on the Island of Malta leading the life of a digital nomad.

This is the first volume in a series of books that, while devoid of context still manages to exhibit just that.