The Bravo is a novel by James Fenimore Cooper first published in 1831 in three volumes. Inspired by a trip to Europe where he traveled through much of Italy, the novel is set in Venice. The Bravo is the first of Cooper's three novels to be set in Europe. This group of three novels, which one critic would call Cooper's "European trilogy", include The Heidenmauer and The Headsman. Like his other novels set in Europe, The Bravo was not very well received in the United States. The book largely focuses on political themes, especially the tension between the social elite and other classes.
The Complete Leatherstocking Tales : Epic Adventures Across the American Frontier
James Fenimore Cooper, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
book10 Classics Western Stories
Andy Adams, Frederic Balch, B. M. Bower, James Fenimore Cooper, Bret Harte, Washington Irving, Samuel Merwin, Marah Ellis Ryan, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookThe Last of the Mohicans : A Classic Tale of Courage and Conflict in the American Frontier
James Fenimore Cooper, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookLe Dernier des Mohicans : Un conte classique de courage et de conflit à la frontière américaine
James Fenimore Cooper, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookThe Deerslayer : A Tale of Courage and Honor in the Early American Wilderness
James Fenimore Cooper, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookLederstrumpf : Alle fünf Bände
James Fenimore Cooper
bookDer Lotse oder: Abenteuer an Englands Küste : Komplettausgabe
James Fenimore Cooper
bookDie Jolly Roger-Sammlung : Abenteuer auf hoher See: Eine literarische Schatzkiste der Seefahrer und Piraten
Georg Engel, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Daniel Defoe, Emilio Salgari, Frederick Kapitän Marryat
bookFluch der Seeräuber: 15 Piraten-Klassiker in einem Band : Auf den Wellen der Abenteuer: Klassische Seeräubergeschichten aus verschiedenen Epochen
Georg Engel, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Walter Scott, Daniel Defoe, Emilio Salgari, Frederick Kapitän Marryat
bookDie beliebtesten Seeabenteuerromane (Klassiker für Jugendliche) : Weite Meere, unentdeckte Küsten: Fesselnde Abenteuer für junge Leser
Jules Verne, Karl May, Amalie Schoppe, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, Joseph Conrad, Herman Melville, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Johann David Wyss, Alexandre Dumas, Emilio Salgari, Sophie Wörishöffer, Frederick Kapitän Marryat, Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg
bookDie beliebtesten Abenteuer-Klassiker für Jugendliche (35 Romane in einem Band) : Vielfalt und Faszination des Abenteuer-Genres vereint
Jules Verne, Friedrich Gerstäcker, Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, Karl May, Mark Twain, Emmy von Rhoden, Heinrich Zschokke, Amalie Schoppe, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Herman Melville, Walter Scott, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Johann David Wyss, Alexandre Dumas, Rudyard Kipling, Emilio Salgari, Franz Treller, Sophie Wörishöffer, Frederick Kapitän Marryat
bookDie besten Abenteuerromane für den Lese-Urlaub (40+ Klassiker in einem Band) : Eine epische Reise durch die Welt der Abenteuerliteratur
Jules Verne, Friedrich Gerstäcker, Charles Dickens, Karl May, Mark Twain, Amalie Schoppe, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Herman Melville, Walter Scott, Jonathan Swift, Pierre Loti, Daniel Defoe, Alexandre Dumas, Rudyard Kipling, Gustave Aimard, Emilio Salgari, Franz Treller, G. K. Chesterton, Robert Kraft, Sophie Wörishöffer, Frederick Kapitän Marryat