
The Bridesmaid Always Comes Twice


Meet Kat McKinney, Wedding Slut Kat doesn’t want to get married. She just wants to have a wedding. And have sex with her husband — whoever the hell he is — on the altar. And have the orgy to end all orgies at the reception. And
 Collected here for the first time are Kat’s complete adventures — funny, fantastical, sometimes sad, but always sexy. Get Kat anywhere near a wedding
 and wild things are sure to happen.Here are four tales of Kat’s nuptial naughtiness: Wedded Bliss Plus One Never a Bride Cold Feet A brand new prologue and epilogue Sneak preview of the new paranormal erotic fantasy, Erlking. (M/F, M/F/M, M/F/F, and orgy erotic romance. Adult readers only.)