
The Chaldean Account Of Genesis (Illustrated Edition)


The Chaldean Account Of Genesis presents the turning point in revealing the history of our civilization. As the missing piece of the puzzle and the proof we needed, this is one of the most important archeological discoveries emerged from the ashes of Nineveh Library. Among many others – the crucial accounts are: the first print appearance of the Gilgamesh, the Descent of Ishtar and the account of the Flood.


The Discovery of the Genesis Legends

Babylonian and Assyrian Literature

Chaldean Legends Transmitted Through Berosus and Other Ancient Authors

Babylonian Mythology

Babylonian Legend of the Creation

Other Babylonian Accounts of the Creation

The Sin of the God Zu

The Exploits of Lubara

Babylonian Fables

Fragments of Miscellaneous Texts

The Izdubar Legends

Meeting of Heabani and Izdubar

Destruction of the Tyrant Humbaba

The Adventures of Ishtar

Illness and Wanderings of Izdubar

The Story of the Flood and Conclusion