
The Cleansing



Getting by after the end of the world is a real pain in the neck.

Things would be much better for Kirby if wasn't for those damn, pesky dims.

Dims, or to be politically correct, the diminished intelligents, are just about the only remnants of mankind after a pandemic swept the world clean. The lucky victims died in the throes of the brain virus; the survivors are reduced to something with the intelligence of a thunderstruck cow. Turned loose by the collapse of society, dims are everywhere you look - especially when you don't want them to be there.

You could be a regular survivor. Untouched by the virus, (yippee!), you'd be some poor schmuck like Kirby left to survive on what few wits and fewer resources he has. Those resources are quickly diminishing thanks to a pack of dims that keep breaking into Kirby's stuff.

It doesn't help that the dims are primarily in the neighborhood thanks to the old lady up the street that leaves food out for them. The dims would blow this soda pop stand if it wasn't for her giving them a reason to stay – well, wait for Kirby to tell you his side of the story later.

Long story somewhat shorter – life would be easier without those dims, wouldn't it?

Is it time for a cleansing or what?