A classic from the Golden Age of Detective Fiction, The Clue falls squarely in the tradition of two favorite mystery sub-genres the Big House Mystery and the Locked Room Mystery...
Folly im Märchenland: Fantasy
Carolyn Wells
bookKrimi Trio 3348
Alfred Bekker, Carolyn Wells
bookKrimi Dreierband 3146
Alfred Bekker, Henry Rohmer, Carolyn Wells
bookA Chain of Evidence
Carolyn Wells
bookAnybody But Anne
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Gold Bag
Carolyn Wells
bookMore Lives Than One
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Curved Blades
Carolyn Wells
bookFaulkner's Folly
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Doorstep Murders
Carolyn Wells
bookThe White Alley
Carolyn Wells
bookSleeping Dogs
Carolyn Wells