An ex-service man of the famous British West
African Frontier Force comes back to devote himself as a benevolent worker.
James Walker Gray realises he needs a youngman to help facilitate his work.
This is how he comes in contact with Ekema or Otto Von Wilhem, a much respected
Mokpe man, for help. Otto finds a suitable young fellow for the Grays. At first,
Ikome is apprehensive of his new white family, but when it dawns on him that he
can use his position beside the white man to his own advantage, he changes his
name to Frederick Lugard (Lord). The villages around the Ekona plantations have
never suffered like this. Tribal chiefs are blackmailed, white men are
manipulated and many reputable men are thrown to disgrace. Some, like Otto Von
Wilhem, are imprisoned. Lugard skillfully keeps himself in the good books of
the white men until the day he pulls out his gun, and all hell breaks loose.