
The Gift of Recovery : 52 Mindful Ways to Live Joyfully Beyond Addiction


Recovery from addiction doesn’t happen all at once—it’s something that must be practiced, day by day and moment to moment. In good moments—when things are going well in your life—your recovery may feel easy, like second nature. But in moments of stress, confusion, temptation, or pain, you need simple, go-to strategies to maintain your healthy recovery.

The Gift of Recovery offers fifty-two in-the-moment mindfulness skills to help you cope with daily stress and stay grounded in your recovery. You’ll find powerful advice to help you navigate relationships, take time for self-care, and manage intense emotions that can get in the way of feeling better. Recovering from addiction is hard and sometimes lonely—and it takes a lot of courage. This gentle, easy-to-use book will guide you as you continue to take steps toward your recovery.