The classic of practical mysticism is published with four bonus works in this handsome signature edition. Since it first appeared in 1914, The Impersonal Life has touched hundreds of thousands of readers. Its simple meditative message teaches you, step by step, to realize that your own consciousness is one with all of Creation-that you are an outlet of Divine will. Once that extraorinary truth is understood, your wishes become one with God, and your life unfolds in a meaningful, exuberant mosiac in which your fondest hopes and highest purposes are realized. Written anonymously by American mystic Joseph S. Benner (1872-1938), The Impersonal Life is one of the modern landmarks of New Thought and mystical spirituality. As a special bonus, this edition includes four of Benner's most powerful essays: The Way Out; The Way Beyond; Wealth; and The Teacher. Here is a complete journey into the work of a spiritual genuis and practical mystic.
JOSEPH BENNER Premium Collection: The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & Wealth
Joseph Benner
bookTHE IMPERSONAL LIFE (Unabridged) : Spirituality & Practice Classic
Joseph Benner
bookThe Essential Works of Joseph Benner : The Impersonal Life, The Way Beyond, The Way Out, The Teacher, Brotherhood & Wealth
Joseph Benner
bookThe Greatest Works of Joseph Benner : The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & Wealth
Joseph Benner
bookThe Greatest Works of Joseph Benner : The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & Wealth
Joseph Benner
bookThe Essential Works of Joseph Benner : The Impersonal Life, The Way Beyond, The Way Out, The Teacher, Brotherhood & Wealth
Joseph Benner
bookThe Impersonal Life : Spirituality & Practice Classic
Joseph Benner
bookThe Greatest Works of Joseph Benner : The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & Wealth
Joseph Benner
bookThe Essential Works of Joseph Benner : The Impersonal Life, The Way Beyond, The Way Out, The Teacher, Brotherhood & Wealth
Joseph Benner
bookThe Collected Works of Joseph Benner
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