"The Inn of the Two Witches" is one of the best-known short stories written by Joseph Conrad (1857-1924). First published in 1915, it is an intriguing tale of adventure and mystery. The story comes from an account given by a sixty year old man in the middle of the nineteenth century. An un-named outer narrator discovers a handwritten manuscript in a box of old books he buys. The document has been written by Edgar Byrne, relating to an incident that took place in 1813 when he was a young officer just off the coast of northern Spain...
Selected Joseph Conrad
Joseph Conrad
Joseph Conrad
bookLord Jim
Joseph Conrad
bookEl corazón de las tinieblas "Heart of Darkness"
Joseph Conrad
audiobookEl agente secreto "The Secret Agent"
Joseph Conrad
audiobookEl corazón de las tinieblas : Un viaje al abismo de la naturaleza humana y el imperialismo. Nueva Traducción
Joseph Conrad
bookAu cœur des ténèbres :
Joseph Conrad
audiobookCorazón de las tinieblas : (y Cuadernos del Congo)
Joseph Conrad
bookThe Secret Sharer
Joseph Conrad
bookThe Duel
Joseph Conrad
bookThe Idiots
Joseph Conrad
bookThe Tale
Joseph Conrad