
The Oasis of Time


Jay was a prince and he had the dark hair and dark smouldering looks of a sheik of the desert. He was like the princes that you read about in the female romance novels that have a picture on the cover.

His personal assistant Lilly ,would be first one in to work as always, she was there when he came in and invariably there when he leftalways just finishing up for the night. She intrigued him in the physical sense, he sometimes dreamed of her in his bed, making love to her. Her mouth was a wonder to behold and sometimes in their meetings if he was not careful he would lose track of their conversation.

Lilly on and off when working for him had saved his butt so to speak quite a few times. Lilly had been working for him for a while now and she loved every day.

Hiding the truth about her past and from where she came from and of what she could do, was getting harder and harder as she feared that she was falling in love with him and that was something she must not do. Ever. She must never do that as her genie status would vanish and she would become human.