In The Song of the Cakes, Arthur Leo Zagat weaves an enchanting tale where a humble baker's cakes come to life, each with its own magical melody. When a greedy nobleman tries to seize the cakes for his own, their melodies transform into a powerful force that sets off an unexpected adventure. As the townspeople rally to protect their beloved baker, they discover that friendship, unity, and a touch of magic can overcome even the most formidable challenges. This delightful and heartwarming story is perfect for young readers who love tales of wonder, bravery, and the joy of unexpected heroes.
Doc. Turner's Flaming Coffin : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookRiverfront Horror : Terror Tales
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Cat From Hell : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookChildren of Tomorrow : Book TWO in the "TOMORROW" Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookSoft Blows the Breeze from Hell! : Dime Mystery Magazine
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath-Dance of the Broken Dolls : Dime Mystery Magazine
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Killer Cure : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath with a Dog's Face : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Two Moons of Tranquillia : Weird Tales
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Lands a Cargo : Dime Mystery Magazine
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookGraves Filled to Order : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookWhen The Sleepers Woke : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
In 20,000 A.D : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Death-Cloud : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookGhouls Ride the Highways : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMistress of Horror : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookSummer Camp for Corpses : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDrink We Deep : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Menace from Andromeda : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookVenus Mines, Incorporated : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMistress of the Beast : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookA Lodging in Hell : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookWhen The Sleepers Woke : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Tower of Evil : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat