
The Vahnnir


Is like when a "Lord Of The Rings" finds his way in a "Lethal Weapon" Movie...

So The Adventure Begins!

"I was in front of him, he looked at me well, my armor was already reddened a lot of Dragon blood on me, so he growled furiously and stepped forward in a roar."

- The Dragon Slayer

"Was proud of that ring, but not much of what I had to do to get it."

- The Saint

"Inspecting the defenses of the frontier was never an easy task, but from the height of his fine warhorse Lord Byron exercised it with great dignity."

- The Lord

"Civilization.... Believing that what we do now is always better than all they did before us and destroy everything and everything contrary to that.... And I'm the Barbarian."

- The Barbarian

"I am a Vahnnir and my eyes see far."

- The Vahnnir

"She knew that voice... He who lived in the shadows with all his being made of light."

- The Goddess