
The Vice President The Electronic Transfer


This is Volume II and things get very interesting. A detailed analysis of the 9/11 attacks, the aftermath and the lessons learned and what can be done to save lives in the future? This book introduces new themes and explains the real reasons behind the attacks. Showing you who is behind these attacks. An analysis of the terrorists, Al-Qaeda and other nations purported to support terrorists. Mankind has played God through wars balancing the ecological system for the past 2000 years. Recently we have started evolving from defensive stages of development that focuses on military and defense to networking and cooperative systems where we foster relationships and networking. This is the way nature intended. Fear and insecurity is or was hindering progress. The main reason behind the 9/11 attacks; to hinder us from advancing through the development process by making everyone insecure and fearful that defense becomes our priority. To keep us spending more on defense and the military something that worked years ago as we ended up having wars. But the world is changing. We are changing too. We have realized that our only enemies are ourselves. Our leaders are becoming cleverer too realizing that we ought all to be friends. The problem is that even though we have no enemies anymore; we are still spending $trillions on defense; the military and on weapons. This is the real problem a time-bomb. Imagine the world’s population growing unabated. Imagine weapon’s stock levels growing too. Imagine the ecological imbalance caused as we spend more and more on defense without fighting wars anymore. This is a ticking time-bomb because any friction will end up in a world war that will result in the extinction of humans. That is the reason why a few nations now pretends to fight those believed to have Weapons of Mass Destruction but in actual fact they are making wars in order to gather resources to actually make Weapons of Mass Destruction. Their reasons; to prevent the extinction of humans. Is this a justification for making WMDs? Surely there are ways of preventing the extinction of mankind. Why not just convince our leaders that there are no aliens or dinosaurs and our only enemies are ourselves? Surely, we can evolve away from defensive economies. Can we really let these people make WMDs that will eliminate more than two thirds of the population on our watch? You decide!